Milk Bioactive Peptide Database

Peptide Search

Enter a peptide sequence or multiple sequences, or upload a simple text file of peptide sequences. To preform the query click the "Search DB" button. load from a text file | Example

To use the Homology Search Options, peptides must be entered above.
Sequence: Searches for peptides with a match to the above peptide sequence.
Truncated: Searches for peptides that contain the above peptide sequence.
Precursor: Searches for peptides that are contained within the above peptide sequence.
The similarity threshold is used with the search type in the following ways:
  • Sequence: Percent match of query peptide against database peptides.
  • Truncated: Percent match of query peptide against full length of query peptide.
  • Precursor: Percent match of database peptides against query peptide.
Note that for a query that is less than 4 AA, similarity threshold will be 100%. Also, when choosing 100% similarity and the identity matrix, a direct database query will always be used.
The scoring matrix determines how the matches will occur:
  • Identity: Matches each amino acid exactly.
  • BLOSUM62: Matches each amino acid using blastp and a protein alignment substitution matrix.
Note that for a query that is less than 4 AA, a direct database query will be used. Also, when choosing 100% similarity and the identity matrix, a direct database query will always be used.
  • Without peptides inputed above, the system retrieves all matches for Protein ID, Function, and Species.
  • With peptides inputed above, the search refines matches based on Protein ID, Function, and Species.
  • Search the database for UniProt accession numbers (protein IDs):
    • Reference the dropdown list for the cataloged protein IDs and descriptions in the database.
    Note that the Protein ID input can be left empty.
    Search the database for the bioactivity function of peptides:
    • Reference the dropdown list for the cataloged bioactivity functions in the database.
    Note that the Function input can be left blank.
    Search the database for the species of origin for each peptide:
    • Reference the dropdown list for the cataloged species in the database.
    Note that the Species input can be left blank.

    Clear all search criteria